2016-06-03 11:56


2016年6月6日10:00. 最新进展:跟客户通了电话,客户说,他分析了市场,最后加的PRODUCT ABC 目前的确是用不着,各方面考虑还是决定先买别的产品。总金额82000USD,已经交由银行审核PI, 预计5天左右会开出信用证。 


写在前面的话:其实本意是等这个订单拿下再来总结整个跟进过程,但是之前在毅冰学友群里分享过一些跟进细节,大家鼓励我做一个连载的形式,这样也可以群策群力帮我尽快搞定客户。如果过程中能收到冰哥,华哥,料神等大神的帮助和指点,就更加感激莫名了。 在此也感谢可爱的毅冰群友们热心的建议和帮助!

客户是认识5年以上的老熟人,但是只是认识,我去国外拜访的时候见过几次面,客户英语讲得一般,平时从来不上网,加上他们国家有独家代理,我很少做终端。所以平时基本没有联系。期间他也一直没有购买新设备。 2016年4月,他决定上一些新设备,所以来华拜访了一次。适时BERRY刚好处于孕初期,身体不适,接待以同事GAVIN为主,自觉还是有所欠缺。5月客户回国后,客户申请了邮件,BERRY开始邮件跟客户沟通。BERRY所有邮件用红色标记客户所有邮件用蓝色标记中间穿插了BERRY的一些新的和思考,自然字体颜色。


On Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:06 PM, berry <Berry> wrote:


Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  How are you? This is Berry from Jin Feng China.  I wish you had a good journey in China. I m sorry I did not give better service because of my special situation. Pls kindly forgive it.  Earlier we have sent the price quotation for XXXXXX project. I wish you have received them. If any plan for them, or any information needed, pls dont hesitate to contact me. Thanks.  Best regards,  Berry



--------------Original Message------------- From:customer To:Berry Cc: Subject:Re: Berry from Jin Feng China Date:2016-05-13 20:45:49.0

Dear Berry

                    I am fine. Hope you all are fine.Yes my Journey was very good. your hospitality was very very good. now we are 

making industrial import licence ,we have commercial one.so i will contact you very soon,


                                                                                                                                                        with best regards

                                                                                                                                                          MR. XXX 


客户在办工业的进口许可证,估计需要一定时间,这段时间没有催促客户。 之前了解过,办理许可证大约15天时间,所以我耐心等待。到了25号觉得差不多了,所以决定跟进一下进度。于是写了下面这封跟进邮件。  



--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:Re: Re: Berry from Jin Feng China Date:2016-05-25 10:00:58.8

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  How are you?  I wish everything success in your side. Have you received your new licence so i could make new PI for you. And now what is the situation of your factory building? Is there any information needed from us? Pls kindly keep on contact. You are different from other customers, as your english is well. So pls keep on contacting always. Thanks.  Best regards,  Berry


然而到了30号客户还是没有回复。 我们在当地有个办事处,那里有个职员,跟客户关系不错。但是他做售后还可以,销售就没有什么优势,抓不住客户。沟通客户这事,平时是经销商做,因为客户在中国就表明不要经销商参与。所以跟经销商沟通后,这事还是我来做。 跟同事沟通过,得知客户去买了个笔记本,可能是为了更好的做国际业务。 所以我又写了以下这封邮件,之后跟了电话过去。


--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:import license Date:2016-05-30 10:38:28.78

Dear Mr. MR. XXX, How are you?  I heard the information that you bought new laptop. I m very happy about this bcs we could comunicate more easily in the future. Pls kindly tell the situation of the import license, so that i could make you the final Proformal Invoice. Thanks.  Best regards,  Berry





--------------Original Message------------- From:customer To:Berry Cc: Subject:Re: import license Date:2016-05-30 23:46:25.0

Hi Dear Berry

                   I am Fine. Hope you  are also fine. Yes I bought a laptop..

today I went for new license and got it. the new name is  XXXXXXXX industries ltd. I will give you details in two days.

this time you send me the final price for the equipents so that I can accept it in one chance. I  do not tell you any price this time. so please give me less price in one chance .  I will give you L/c with in 7 days. your products will advertise you in here. do you want two separate L/C or one L/c? please reduce the price for it . I hope you will do it for me.


                                                                                                                                                  Thanking you

                                                                                                                                                          MR. XXX


自此客户开始第一轮讲价。 我的报价是120000USD左右,全套设备。客户要求我出个优惠价格,最好一次通过。他会在当地作为样板工程宣传我们的机器。



--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:Re: Re: import license Date:2016-05-31 11:14:02.013

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  Thanks for your email reply. I m happy to get contact with you.  Regarding the price of the full projec, i suggest to send you some spare parts  instead of discount. Bcs if i give discount, i can give maybe 200 or 300 USD, but if i give spare parts, i have much more space. Also in the future you may need the spare parts urgently, which may make your project stop running, or need to send spare parts by DHL. I suggest you to have spare parts in storage. If you agree, i will send the spare parts list within today.  Regarding the LC, if there is no inconvinience for you, we suggest to join them together and open one LC, because it will save cost for both of us, LC cost, sea port cost, also XXXX port (目的港) customs clearance, truck loading cost and etc. Best regards,  Berry

用配件代替折扣,这是我一贯的思路。 第一节约成本。 下单给我们的供应商,一般要求送点配件还是容易的。 第二即使要购买的配件,配件本身我们也有利润。 第三客户高兴,认为折扣大。第四的确很多客户需要备一些易损件,不然临时故障,客户麻烦我们也麻烦。




--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:spare parts list Date:2016-05-31 15:54:14.67

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  Pls check the attached spare parts list we are giving with the machine, for your further service. If anything need to change, pls feel free to comunicate. Thanks.  Best regards,  Berry


如同上封邮件承诺的,做了赠送的配件单过去,价值1043USD。 成本肯定远远低于1043USD。


On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 2:07 AM, MR. XXX <customer> wrote:


Dear Berry


this time we are not going to buy product ABC, next time we will buy 2 more product A and product ABC. if we get good result of product A. then 2 more product A with product ABC.so send new price list with freight except product ABC.


                                                                                       MR. XXX


Oh my god. 客户要求去掉主要利润产品product ABC, 只保留了另一款产品product A 和一些其他设备。 表示如果product A 效果好,过几个月之后再买2个product A 和一个product ABC。


-----------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:proforma invoice Date:2016-05-31 12:14

Dear MR. XXX,, 


Thanks for your kindly support. Here i m sending the Proforma Invoice.



Pls keep me informed if there is any further request. Thanks.


Best regards,



客户去掉一些产品,我也没办法,按照要求重新做了PI, 货值仅有82170USD了。


--------------Original Message------------- From:customer To:Berry Cc: Subject:Re: proforma invoice Date:2016-06-01 00:48:20.0

Dear Berry

                 your previous quotation was total 82170 usd

so I make a L/C of 82000 $ round figure. 

in the time of set up machines you will have to visit our site with one engineer pls.

you did not tell about more spare parts which I said.

                                                                                           thank you

                                                                                                 MR. XXX



客户提出以下要求:1. 降价170USD。 2. 派工程师。 3. 多送一些配件。


--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:final PI Date:2016-06-01 10:41:21.25

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  Thanks for your email reply. Pls check the final Proforma Invoice.  I have to say that you are really good business man, I always follow your step. You asked me to reduce price from product A 675USD, i followed it. You asked me to reduce for full project, i give spare parts for 1043USD. Now you ask again to reduce price 170USD. Dear step by step totally the final price is reduced 1888USD. I guess if other directors see this they will must blame me.  Regarding the spare parts, as the XXXXX are not easy to broken, normally it will use for more than 2 years minimum, and also it will be damaged slowly by using, so we have enough time to send it in the future. Also the XXXX is easy to find in bd market, no need to send from China by me. Regarding the engineer, to be honest it is really high cost for sending engineer for one project. The cost will be minimum 2000USD. So dear now i cannot promise for it. But i will always try to find the chance to talk to our directors and try to get engineer visit BD in suitable time. Also i will send very detailed design for your project, and ask Mr. XXXX (我们当地售后同事) to confirm everything always. We have had hundreds of projects in bd, so please dont worry about anything.  Best regards,  Berry


在这里我用了一个小技巧。 把所有给他让步的东西都列出来,看看,我已经为你做了这么多了。因为有时候我们让一点让一点,并没有那么直观的显示出来我们其实已经退得够多了。 但是在此之前,我就先说了,发票按你说的做过来了。





这里其实我有个保留。 当初给他1043美金的配件,是基于他总价12000USD(含运费)的基础上的。 但是现在他总价降到了80000多美金。 按理说要减点配件。 但是这个意义其实不大,现在说了也没多大作用。 所以我留待以后看有没有作用打打感情牌。表示我总是做得比说得多。


这是6月1号的事情。 但是6月1号晚上大半夜没睡啊,想来想去还是觉得这样放弃PRODUCT ABC好可惜啊。 因为这是我们设备里技术含量最高的,也比较难卖的,利润较高的产品。 好不容易出现个意向客户,就这么放走了?想想不甘心!还是要找个理由再试探一下。

于是6月2号一早,写了这么个邮件。 之所以发出去比较晚,是因为反复推敲,征求许多人的意见。 毕竟有一定风险性,会不会惹恼客户呢?

--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:product ABC Date:2016-06-02 11:57:02.42

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  How are you? Thanks for your confirming to give us the order.  Dear it is difficlut to tell, but i still want to ask if you could do me a favor? As in my company policy, our sales will be caculated every season (3 months). Fo me it request 500000USD every three months (like from March to June). It will be caculated when the shipment is made. If i could get this sales aim on time for continuely 4 seasons, then i will be praised in whole company meeting, and also i will get special prize 1000USD. What is most important, i will get more right on price and service policy in my company.   From July 2015 until now, every season i have received my sales aim. But this season i feel difficult. now i have gotten the sales 380000USD, and 120000USD left. As you have confirmed your order for 82000USD, so now only 38000USD left. I m thinking that, if you could give me the order of color sorter, include the accessories it will be more than 38000USD, then i will get my sales aim. The prize 1000USD i could send to you by west union or money gram, but i will get to be praised in full company meeting, and i will get more support in sales in the future. Also in future cooperation i could give you better price and service, i have more right then.  Dear this is only one of my idea, if it brings you any unconvinience, pls also feel free to tell me.  Best regards,  Berry


这中间有个小插曲。 给不给客户返钱,还是派遣工程师,等等问题上也是纠结了很久。 最后还是听取了经销商的意见,他对本国人比较了解。他说,直接用钱砸他,没事。有效的。 于是放心的发了这个邮件。



发完邮件之后当然是忐忑。 过了几个小时后打了个电话,跟客户讲了几句,客户说他在休息,还没有看邮件。但是明确表示不买PRODUCT ABC, 说现在不需要,可能过半年之后才买。 自此我也觉得死心了。 可是下午,客户在看了我的邮件后,又回了这封邮件给我。

--------------Original Message------------- From:customer To:Berry Cc: Subject: Date:2016-06-02 16:15:55.0

Dear Berry

                   Though we are not interested to buy PRODUCT ABC now, for public crushing and you said so

we are considering about it. For public crushing we need 1. PRODUCT ABC with all accessories

. 2. one more PRODUCT 123. you need not to give me any money. we will give CNF price =39000$

you can full fill your target and this is more than that. the L/C will be =121000$.




                                                                                                    MR. XXX



赶紧查了一下他要的货物。MY GOD,客户真狡猾。 这次他选了51000USD的货物,要我39000USD卖给他。


--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:price for product ABC Date:2016-06-02 17:21:28.92

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  Thanks for your kindly email reply. You are really so kind to support me always. I cannot express how much i thank you in my mind.  Here i m sending the price quotation for the goods you added, pls check the attachment.  Dear you get to know our company for more than 5 years, so you understand our policy very much. To protect customers benifit, our company always directly give market price to customers, not leave much space for we sales. So one or two hundred USD we can directly reduce from full amount it is ok, but if you need more discount this is really difficult for me. So dear pls accept that, i will send the 1000 by west union or money gram, bcs it is my personal money, not from the company.  Dear i wait for your further notice so i could make the new PI. Thanks.  Best regards,  Berry

--------------Original Message------------- From:customer To:Berry Cc: Subject:Re: price for product ABC Date:2016-06-02 18:03:24.0

dear berry

                 give me product ABC with accessories .no need to give product 123 nor any money pls.


客户估计也是看了差价巨大。要求去掉一个产品,购买PRODUCT ABC极其附属。 可是,价值也是47000USD。

我没有回邮件,直接给客户打了个电话,说你加的货物价值47000USD。 你要的价格太低,公司做不了。抱歉。


--------------Original Message------------- From:customer To:Berry Cc: Subject:Re: price for product ABC Date:2016-06-02 18:22:16.0

Dear berry

                 glad to talk to you. 40000$ for product ABC full set.  Total L/C value will be 122000$. Otherwise 6-7 month later we buy it.


            thank you

             MR. XXX



客户主动加价1000USD。 可是中间的价差还是太厉害。 无法达成一致。在跟经销商协商后我也打算让步一点,促成订单。于是报出45000的价格。

--------------Original Message------------- From:Berry To:customer Cc:XXX Subject:Re: Re: price for product ABC

Date:2016-06-02 18:34:16.483

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  Maybe u misunderstand me. For one product ABC we never get 7000usd profit, never. If u agree 45000 usd I will try to talk to our big director for special price. Otherwise not possible, I will be throw out from his office. Pls kindly understand me and help me. Thanks.  Best regards,  Berry



--------------Original Message------------- From:customer To:Berry Cc: Subject:Re: Re: price for product ABC Date:2016-06-02 19:07:27.0

dear  Berry

                 I asked my brother and father . they said the same thing that 6-7 month later bank will give 15% interest ,then

we can buy less than 400000$ .now my final price is 41000$ only for you sais so. you discuss with your office. we have 3-4 days in our hand.  no need to give me any money.



thank you




自此客户从39000USD加价到41000. 我又和经销商通了一次电话,着重是向他打听客户所说的银行利率是否真实,还有就是客户的理由是真的吗,还是用来压价的借口。经销商分析可能客户以前做生意不算多,会比较看重银行利率什么的。但是银行利率也分贷款利率和存款利率,客户不知是误解还是故意的,用了贷款利息。 所以我打算以退为进,因为从之前的沟通中我了解到他是用自己的资金购买,而非银行贷款,所以我写了以下邮件。

-----原始邮件----- 发件人: berry <Berry> 发送时间: 2016-6-2 19:26:57 收件人: " MR. XXX" <customer> 主题: Re:Re: Re: price for product ABC

Dear Mr. MR. XXX, 


Thanks for your patience explain.


Maybe i misundertood you. If you are buying the product ABC by the loan, it will cost about 15% per year, that means 7.5% for half year, which will be 470007.5%=3525USD. that means if you must buy now price lower than 43475USD. If so i also suggest you to buy after 6 months. 


But if you use your own money, the interest is about 7% per year (if you put it in the bank). that means 3.5% half year, which will be 470003.5%=1645USD. that means if you buy now you must buy price lower than 45355USD. 


But dear for business we not only consider about the bank interest, right? Bcs bank interest is really nothing considering about our business. If you buy your equipment earlier you can use it earlier, which could get profit ten times one hundred times more than the bank interest. 


I will wait for your further feedback with great thanks. 


Best regards, 



写完这封信我又意犹未尽,写了下面这封画蛇添足的邮件。 真真是觉得自己画蛇添足。

-----原始邮件----- 发件人: berry <Berry> 发送时间: 2016-6-2 20:45:42 收件人: " MR. XXX" <customer> 主题: Re:Re: Re: price for product ABC

Dear Mr. MR. XXX, 


Here is Berry again. 


I m going to share one book i m reading these days. The name is <rich dad poor dad>. Rich dad invest and let money work for him. Poor dad keep money and work for money. I hear many rich man come to be more and more rich by invest, but i never heard a people come to be rich by bank interest. 


Dear this is only my opinion, if there is any of your opinion to share with me, it will be great honer and pleasure.


Dear our products is industrial products, not consumer products, our products are invested for more profit. Dear i sell one machine, this is one time profit for me, but you buy one machine, this is one time invest and 10 or 20 years profit. So dear please you consider more if it worth to invest. I will not give you any more pressure. Thanks.  


Best regards, 




6月2号晚上又是辗转难眠。 总觉得最后一封邮件画蛇添足话说太多了。 想来想去觉得自己太急躁。 所以3号一早,心里已经打定主意,要写一封以退为进的邮件。并且心境是真的放下了。 客户下不下单,就让他随风而去吧。 他用得着就买,用不着也不用强迫了。

-----原始邮件----- 发件人: berry <Berry> 发送时间: 2016-6-3 9:04:13 收件人: MR. XXX" <customer> 主题: product ABC

Dear Mr. MR. XXX,  How are you?  

This morning I visited our big boss, who is also my uncle and very kind to me always. I planned to get better price for the product ABC for you, but I got a lesson from him. 

 He told me that, if I focus on the sales target, I will never come to be a good sales. I have to focus on customers’ needs. My job is to explain clearly our products function and the profit bringing to customer, decision will be made by customer. Our aim is not to sell goods or reach the sales target, our aim is to get customer trust and friendship. 

 So dear, you see, I was completely wrong. I m really sorry for that. If the product ABC really could not make you any profit now, please forget it. I wish if you buy it, you will feel happy about it, not angry with it. If it could bring you benefit, I will keep my promise to give you 45000USD. Thanks. 

 Dear the sales target I will try other customer, please kindly open the LC for other machines as soon as possible. Now I have been preparing the goods and planning to make shipment within this month.

  Best regards,  


2016年6月6日。 跟客户电话沟通,客户说问了家人的意见,大家一致认为目前不需要购买PRODUCT ABC, 应该等半年之后看行情而定。我也跟客户说这样其实更好,因为我也自己也想通了,如果现在购买产品,却不能产生价值,以后的合作会变得更加艰难。 今天客户跟我说,之前做的82000USD的PI 已经交到银行审核,预计5天可以开出信用证。 此事暂时告一段落。稍后有新的进展会再来更新。 谢谢大家!

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