询盘回复率低主要原因两点: 第一点:询盘发布者不是你的潜在客户; 第二点:由于你的跟踪失误客户丢掉了。 怎么鉴别客户是否为你的潜在客户? 第一步:鉴别发询盘的公司是否真实存在。 第二步:鉴别发布询盘的公司是否在业务上有需求你的产品。 第三步:看联系人是否是决策者或者是谁能决策您的业务。 (以上三步鉴定完毕,即使客户目前没有成交,以后也会有合作的可能) 怎么让客户不会丢掉? 1. 收到询盘后,先了解询盘客户信息 收到客户询盘后,您可以通过谷歌、百度等搜素引擎,了解询盘公司的企业负责人情况、近期营业状况等,回复询盘前,多了解您的客户,既是为回复客户询盘做必要的资料准备,同时也能使交易更具安全保障 …
Dears,Nice day!I am writing to share my confusion wth you here, why Why I received so many thanks emails after sending hundreds of business development emails? Such as"Dear N, thanks for your email." "HI N, I will get back to you soon N" etc. How to solve this kinda of problems? Thanks in advance!Re
外贸,自然而然都 会涉及外语交流,然而正所谓“一方水土一方人”,跟不同国家的客户打交道常常会犯一些很低级的口语错误。当然如果是熟悉的老客户,还很可能堂而皇之地应付 过去,可是一旦遇上新客户的话,这些非常不专业的表现很容易让客户就此“流产”。因此对于新客户,特别是非英语国家的客户来讲,如此更清楚地表达自己,让 对方明白,进而使对外贸易工作能顺利地进行,这成了我国大部分外贸从业人员的必修课。这些常见的外贸用语,你犯错了吗? 1、这个订单, 我们的利润非常低 中式英语: Our profit is very low in this order. 地道英语: Our margin is …
1.增补(Addition)in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.2.比较(Comparison)in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as3.对照(Contrast)whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even thoug
11. These are two originals of the contract we prepared.询问签单12. When shall we sign the contract? 13. Mr. Brown, do you think it is time to sign the contract? 14. Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the contract to see if we agree on all the particulars? 15. Shall we sign the contra
品质1. We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality. 2. You have got the quality there as well as the style. 3. How do you feel like the quality of our products? 4. The high quality of the products will secure their leading st
广交会常用外语(一)问好1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you? 2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you. 3. It’s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you. 4. Welcome to China. 5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here. 6
只要在外贸行业待上一段时间,不论时间长短,你就能发现,老外真的太爱比价了。我相信绝对不止我这一个行业是这样的。而客户这种爱比价爱压价的习惯到底是谁给培养起来的?!很显然,就是我们这些外贸人。当客人发现只要轻易的说一句别人家的比你的便宜就可以收到一个更低的价格时,他能不到处压价吗?外贸绝对是需要坚守底线的,恶性竞争的后果就是一团浆糊似的市场,怎么样都扶不起来。询盘不求多只求精,唔,真是不想再收到类似于我的目标价是多少,你愿不愿意做的询盘了!因为哪怕你精打细算同意做了,他又会奔向下一个供应商,用一个更低的价格来压他,这就是现状 。各位看官,你怎么看?顺手点个赞噢! …