感谢米课圈,尤其 @Judy家家 ,纪3岁, Elvry
本人从事医疗外贸,但是产品与防疫物资无关,所以也同样受到疫情冲击。Q1总结的时候,做了Q2, Q3,Q4的销售目标达成预测,很不乐观,所以下定决心采取措施来改善,甚至完成得更好。邮件释放积极乐观的态度,引导买家不要降低采购需求是其中的一点。
1. 老客户
Hi Betty,
Thanks for your text and logos.
Yes situation here is getting worse. Last week emergency declaration has been given from our Gov.
The patients appointments for clinics starting to be canceled.
We just have to survive and wait till the virus is gone.
Which brand logo should be presented on our web? Superline is ok?
Hi, Xxx,
You're welcome. Yes, Superline is good. Thanks.
Sorry to hear that it is getting worse in Japan. Since emergency declaration was given, I think the situation will be improved surely. By COVID-19 data on Internet, the worst part will go through soon. The trend will go down according to the kinked lines. China is getting back to work and hopefully the rest of the world won't be far behind.
Anyhow, we could not deny that the world is affected by COVID-19, business seems to pause, and consumer demand seems to disappear. But I do believe that there is chance always behind Black Swan(Crisis). When you try to survive, kindly please tell us what we could support: )
Have a nice day.
2. 潜在新顾客
Dear xxx,
Thanks for sharing your Whatsapp ID. I planned to send you our export price list this morning. But I prefer to talk with you more about your local market. Because I believe this way will help you better. So when you are free, could we talk by Whatsapp, please?
To be honest, export price list could be flexible in some degree. I hope that we could quote you the right prices and help to enter the market successfully.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Dear Betty,
In our local market there is some endo products.
At the moment our country is in quaranteen and we work from home. We do not hurry. You can send price list soon.
Thank you.
Dear Xxx,
It is better to work from home at this pandemic chaos. Stay safe, please.
Thanks for sharing your general idea on endo market by Whatsapp.
Now the world is affected by COVID-19, business seems to pause, and consumer demand seems to disappear. But actually some of our clients are increasing their orders during this epidemic period instead of reducing. They are making good preparation for the rebound time after COVID-19. Thus let's discuss more details about the potential cooperation. So we may begin business before COVID-19 ends. We should prepare for the chance behind this Black Swan(Crisis) positively.
Kindly please check our supportive export price list attached.
Now it is hard, but it will pass. Hoping for nice cooperation with xxx team.
Thank you.