今天早上,我们的银行收到一张支票,并且其中$5000 已经进账,跟业务员一核对,原来是阿联酉一个客户发过来的支票,并且还邮件说他们财务打错了款,以下是客户邮件内容:
Please kindly confirm the receipt of this email because i did not get confirmation for the email i sent earlier. I received notification on the payment of $76,456.45 Dollars was mistakenly sent to your account from our financial department.
They issued another payment along with your payment due to the instruction of your payment and another company payment forwarded to them.
This erroneous mistake come in play because of double payment I requested from the financial department. We have merged two payment forwarded into your account, instead of $2000.00 Dollars as agreed for the sales.
Kindly acknowledge the payment of $76,456.45 Dollars as soon as it gets to your account so we could sort out the differences and also proceed.
Check your account and confirm it immediately.
Sorry for the inconveniences this time and hope we do more successful deal in the future.
Kind Regards,
Khalifa Hamden
Khalifa Hamden Tradings LLC
1st Floor. Building # Y1, Office #54, Airport Road, SAIF Zone
United Arab Emirate
1. Google 了一下这个公司名称, 没找到一样名称的。
2. 跟业务了解过,客户确实有跟我们邮件联系,只是随便了解了一下我们其中一款不为人知的产品。
3. 跟银行确认过,支票上的开票人,地址都不是我们认识的。