Re: VOLUMEC & DoneCNC comparison
As Gamor said, Spanish leader of tapping machine, VOLUMEC is the best copy in Europe and DoneCNC is the best copy in the world.
Machine outlook design, color and details,-VOLUMEC win, like booth at EMO 2019, my shortage and hope you can solve it.
Europe brand-is better than made in China, if T-up wipe of some typical Chinese element, maybe good for your sales and competitiveness.
VOLUMEC price- is lower than other European brand like ROSCAMAT, T-up profits margin and price strategy are very important at beginning, both of us should determine for long time sales.
Tapping technology and machine practicability,-DoneCNC win. As they said on their website, they are young and we have 17 years experience focus on tapping machine.
Machine series -DoneCNC win no matter arm model (ROSCAMAT & CMA arm & VULUMEC arm) , size and tapping capacity (M3-M120)
R&D speed, capacity and cost- DoneCNC win, otherwise I can not win No.(5) Attached form for reference, actually VOLUMEC is more similar like our 3E series not TP.
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