Thank you for choosing UPS® as your trusted logistics provider.
are writing to inform you that the United States Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) will begin full enforcement of Section 321 - the ‘de
minimis’ rule, effective January 11, 2025. This is accompanied by a
system update that will allow CBP to identify importers who do not
adhere to this regulation across all modes of transportation.
For reference, shipments eligible for de minimis entry must meet the following criteria:
Value is under US $8001.
US $800 de minimis limit applies to each importer in the U.S. by One
Person or Company, in One Day. Consolidated shipments to a single
importer are considered as one importation, across all modes of
transportation. Dutiable entry will be required if the value of all
shipments is over USD $800.
must declare the value on a bill of lading or similar document such as a
manifest.This is applicable regardless of mode of transportation,
across carriers, and the entry type.
the daily threshold, please be informed that shipments will be subject
to formal entry or informal entry based on CBP’s discretion, where UPS
customs brokerage fees and applicable duties and taxes as imposed by
the customs will apply. Please also note that all formal entry shipments
will be subject to a Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) imposed by
Customs. The MPF, if levied, will be billed to shipper or consignee
depending on the shipment’s bill term, and will be reflected on the
relevant invoice.
found with declaration details omitted or altered with intent to avoid
the daily threshold may result in potential customs clearance holds or
delays in delivery.
UPS endeavors to support your shipping needs, we have a range of UPS
solutions from brokerage to nearshoring fulfillment models that you can
explore to compliantly ship to the U.S. while saving on overall global
transportation costs.
If you would like to learn more about UPS’s solutions or should you have any questions on the above, please do n。
感谢您选择 UPS® 作为您值得信赖的物流供应商。
我们在此通知您,美国海关与边境保护局(CBP)将于 2025 年 1 月 11 日 开始全面实施 Section 321 - “免税低值规则”(de minimis rule)。与此同时,CBP 系统将进行更新,可以识别不遵守该规定的进口商,适用于所有运输方式。
货物价值低于 800 美元。
800 美元的免税限额适用于同一人或公司在同一天的单个进口。
如果对同一进口商的货物进行合并运输,不论运输方式,都会被视为一次进口。如果总价值超过 800 美元,则需进行应税进口申报。
货物可能需要进行正式进口或非正式进口,由 CBP 酌情决定。UPS 会收取报关费用,并由海关征收适用的关税和税款。
UPS 致力于支持您的运输需求,我们提供从报关到近岸履约模型的多种解决方案,帮助您在合规运输的同时节省全球运输成本。
如果您想了解更多 UPS 解决方案,或对上述内容有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系。
总结:从 2025 年 1 月 11 日 起,美国海关将严格执行 Section 321,即“免税低值规则”。单个进口商每天的免税额度为 800 美元,超出部分需按正式或非正式进口处理,可能产生额外费用(如商品处理费 MPF)。如果虚假申报或试图规避规则,将导致清关延误或扣货。
UPS 建议客户审慎管理货物价值申报,同时提供多种解决方案以帮助客户合规且高效地完成运输。