办公也可以选择home office ;考虑到接下来要装修新房,想要自己的baby,所以还是有很大诱惑力,除了以下几点还有什么需要在签合同前谈?在这里先谢谢各位米有的指点。
1.Details of my job including work hours (China time ) and holiday ?
2.For salary ,what's the percentage for each order ? And when pay to me by what kind of way ?Bonus every year ?
3.And how about business trip within Guangdong province and other province ? And any insurance ( five insurance and housing fund in China ) ? Have accident insurance for business every year about $130 ?
4.How to communication? Email ? Skype or Video ? By mobile phone? Any allowance if by phone ? Any allowance if work at home due to reduce the office fee and other fees .
5.How many employees do you have now ?