I hope you are well. Are you ready to supply quotations for my projects? I have MANY new projects and many projects to prepare proposals that need your urgent attention.
嗯,我深深相信老美的進口商比你們更著急。這次我就這個有時效的topic教大家回覆一下。你的老外可能寫法不同,但如上面那種「你要不要減點價啊?我們還有very very big order啊!」的套路應該是萬變不離其宗了。
「To 減 or not to 減,that is a question」。我們就寫這兩點吧。先來個我喜歡的強硬有禮版,再來一個公公版。
I just read from the news about the latest situation and I simply surprise with such a decision. We have been a very cooperative partner since we do business and with all the effort we put together, you are getting your best price ALREADY.
If I am allowed to be a bit creative there might be something we could consider. As there are MANY projects coming, we might be able to absorb some of your tax impact by getting 100% cash from this projects in advance. This is obviously not our normal way of work but having some immediate cash seem to be the only way to let it make sense. Of course it is just a suggestion, and we are not pushing for anything.
I would still be very happy to quote you any new project and provide professional support as we normally do.
I am sorry to hear the situation and as your long term partner we will try our best to support you. (先安他心:沒事有叔叔在)I am not sure how much we could compensate for your president decision (這裡大家自己把握了。一般來說我不太鼓勵跟客戶聊政治,但要是你在言談間了解這不是大問題的話,一起罵罵老頭子可能也不錯。你決定吧。) but we will try to do it for you. (為你。這事本來就不合理,但我只是在幫你。一切都只是為了你)In return I hope you could open up to me what is the target price you are looking at to make this business still reasonable. (順便問個target price好好摸底吧。這時不問,更待何時!)