2019-11-02 16:50

Video SEO: How to Rank #1

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Video SEO - How to Rank #1 in YouTube (Fast!)



  • In this video, I'm gonna show you my five-step process for ranking number one in YouTube.

  • I recently used this exact method to rank in the top threein YouTube for the keyword SEO.

  • I'm Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko, the place where marketers turn for high rankingsand more traffic.

  • And today, you're gonna learn the five most influentialvideo SEO ranking factors to get your videosto the top of YouTube fast.

  • Keep watching. A few years ago, my YouTube channel was struggling. I consistently created high quality videosthat provided a ton of value.

  • But when I published my videos, crickets.(cricket sounds)Needless to say, I was frustrated.I knew that video was a powerful wayto grow my online business,but I learned the hard way that video only workself people actually watch your videos. And no, your mom watching your videos doesn't count. Trust me.Hey mom, I just published a new video on YouTube. Can you watch it for me? Thanks mom, you're the best. Flash forward to today and my videos consistently gettens of thousands of viewsand hundreds of people subscribe to my channelevery single month.

  • My secret?I learned everything I could about video SEO.Unfortunately, most of the advice that I initially read about ranking in YouTube didn't work. You know the advice I'm talking about.Put your keyword in your video description.Put keywords in your video filename.Write 20 tags for every video.Sure this stuff can help,but it's not gonna rocket your videoto the top of Google or YouTube.

  • Why?Because everyone on YouTube is doing the exact same thing.After trying all the generic advice that I readand getting nowhere,I decided to run a bunch of experimentsand that's when I learned what really works.Specifically, I discovered YouTube'sfive most important ranking factorsand these are ranking factorsthat very few people know about.Once I applied these ranking factors to my videos,my rankings shot to the roof.

  • I started ranking for super competitive keywordslike SEO, link building, how to get traffic and more.And now it's time for me to sharethese five ranking factors with youand show you exactly how to use themto rank your videos in YouTube.Let's start with step number onewhich is to create and publish long videos.You may have noticed that longer videostend to perform better in YouTube.

  • Why?Well, YouTube's most important ranking factoris your video's total watch time.As you probably know, the more of your video people watch,the better it tends to rank.That's called audience retentionwhich is an important ranking factor.Even though audience retention is important,it's not nearly as important as your video'stotal watch time.That's because YouTube wants to promote videosthat keep people on YouTube for a long period of time. So the more total minutes people watch of your video,the more YouTube will wanna rank it in the search results.

  • For example, let's say that you just publishedtwo different videos.Video one is two minutes longand video two is 10 minutes long.And let's say that each video gets 1,000 viewsand the audience retention for both videosis exactly the same, 50%.That means that on average, people watch half of your video.The total watch time for the two-minute videowould be 1,000 minutes.But for the longer video,that video's watch time will be 5,000 minutes.That means that video number two will have five timesthe watch time of video number one,which means that it'll likely outrank video number one.That's the power of publishing longer videos.

  • In fact, my video that ranks in the top three for SEOis nearly 10 minutes which is significantly longerthan most videos on YouTube.Because it's longer,my video accumulates more total watch timethan my competitors.And I'm able to rank above videoswith significantly more views than mine.Okay, let's move on to step number twowhich is to master the hook.As I said, longer videos tend to rank betterbecause they accumulate more total watch time.But there's one big problem with this approach.

  • You have to keep someone's attention on the internet.Fortunately, my experiments have taught methat if you can hook someonein the first 15 seconds of your video,you've hooked them for good. In fact, YouTube recommends that you focuson the first 15 seconds of your videoto maximize watch time.The question is, how do you hook peoplein the first 15 seconds of your video?Start your video off with the PPP formula.The PPP stands for Preview, Proof, Preview.Here's exactly how it works.

  • First, preview what your video is all about.When I first started creating videos,my intros would go on and on aboutwhy my video's topic was importantand these long-winded intros would make people click away. Today, I cut out the fluffand tell them exactly what to expect.For example, let's say that your video outlines10 paleo diet tips.You wanna start off your video saying,"In this video, you're gonna learn"10 of my favorite paleo diet tips."That's it.

  • Next, it's time for the proof.Here is proof that you can deliver.You can mention that you've already accomplishedwhat the viewer wants,that you have lots of experience in your fieldor that you've researched a ton about your topic.For example, you could say,"These are the same tips I used"to gain five pounds of muscle in 60 days."Finally, hit them with the preview again.Here's where you reiterate what your video is about.Now you obviously don't wanna just repeatwhat you said in the beginning.Instead, mention something specific from your video.

  • You can mention the number of tips,a detail from a case studyor that you're gonna share something completely new.This will make your viewers curiousand want to keep watching.For example, you could say,"And today, you're gonna learn about the so-called"healthy paleo diet food that's actually bad for you."Next up, we have putting your exact keyword in your title.There's no question that Google and YouTubeare getting smarter everyday,which means the days of keyword stuff in your videoto the top of YouTube are long gone.

  • That said, Google and YouTube both use your video's titleto understand what your video is all aboutso make sure to include your exact keyword oncein your title, preferably in the beginning of your title.For example, I created a video that I wanted to rankfor the keyword link buildingso I made sure to include my exact keyword link buildingin the beginning of the titleand that helped it rank in the top threefor my target keyword.Okay, now it's time for ranking factor number fourwhich is to say your keyword in your video.

  • When I first got started with video SEO,I'd go back to old videos and optimize them around keywordsthat I wanted to rank for and it very rarely works.That's because Google and YouTubecan now listen to your videoseven without a transcript.For example, let's say that just published a videoabout healthy desserts.Then a few weeks later,you realized that the keyword healthy dessertsis too competitive. So you go back and optimize it around a different keywordlike low carb desserts.Now this sounds smart,but it's something that doesn't work as well as it used to.Why?Even though the keyword low carb dessertsmay be in your title, description and tags,you never said that keyword once in the video.YouTube knows this and it looks fishy.To YouTube, your video is about healthy desserts,but all of your on-page metadata saysit's about low carb dessertsso they won't rank you for either keyword.That's why I always make sure to actuallysay my target keyword in every video.For example, in my video about SEO,I made sure to say the word SEO a few times.Simple yet effective.

  • Last up, we have user interaction signals.YouTube wants to see that people are actuallyinteracting with your video.The more people watch, like, subscribeand comment on your video,the higher your video will rank in YouTube search results.Now the strategies that I've showed you so farwill help you naturally get moreof these user interaction signals.But there are two simple tactics that I use on every videoto increase my video's user interaction signals.First, I add an annotation that asks peopleto like my video.After a lot of experimenting,I have found that this simple annotationsignificantly boosts the number of likesthat my videos receive.

  • At the end of my video,I also ask people to subscribe and comment,which also increases the amount of my videos'user interaction signals.I was originally gonna end the video right here,but I decided to throw in a quick bonus tip for you which is to optimize for click-through rate.When someone searches for something in YouTube,YouTube pays very close attentionto what video they click on.For example, let's say you rank number fivefor your target keyword.As you probably know,videos ranking number one through fourget the vast majority of clicks.

  • But for some reason,lots of people are clicking on your videoin the search results.What do you think YouTube will think about your video?That it's a great result for that keywordand they'll give your video a rankings boostto make it easier for people to find. So how do you maximize your click-through rate?Well, YouTube displays three main pieces of informationin the search results, your title, your thumbnailand a snippet of your description.Here's how to quickly optimize all threefor click-through rate.

  • The key with your thumbnail is simply that it stands out.That means that you wanna create a custom thumbnailthat looks different than the other videosthat are on the first page.For example, my video has a completely different designand color scheme than my competition.For your title, like I mentioned before,you wanna include your target keyword once.Other than that, your goal with your titleshould be to maximize your click-through rate.As you can see,my video title is emotionally compelling.I also include the current yearso people know that the content is still relevant.

  • Finally, you wanna write something compellingin the first few lines of your description.Most people put a link to their website or channel hereand it's a huge mistake.Nothing looks less enticing to click onthan a link to someone's website.Instead, write a sentence or twothat includes your target keyword in a compelling way.For example, in my SEO video my first sentence is,"If you wanna rank in Google today,"there's a new SEO ranking factor to pay attention to."And this attention-grabbing line gets more peopleto click on my result.If you liked this video,make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel right now.Just click on the subscribe button right here.

  • Also, if you want exclusive SEO and traffic techniquesthat I only share with subscribers,head over to backlinko.com and sign up for the newsletter. It's free.Now I wanna turn it over to you.Which of the five ranking signals from this videoare you gonna try first?Are you gonna try to create longer videosor maybe you're gonna start optimizing your videosfor click-through rate? Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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