Sorry but the prices are all too high for every professional purchaser. And you are one of them ...
2015-08-17 16:11
给他画张图吧 一个三角形 在三角形的三个角上标出PRICE(价格)、QUALITY(品质)与DELIVERY(交期)
If you want the best PRICE, and the best DELIVERY, - then QUALITY will suffer, and my group does not want to deliver an inferior product.
If you want the best PRICE, and the best QUALITY, - then my group will have to take a very long time to DELIVER goods. We will not prioritize or rush the project, but will have to fit it in between other work. The customer never wants this.
If you want the best QUALITY, and the best DELIVERY, - then the PRICE will be high.
其次多看看书吧 一些关于危机处理的书籍 去和客户多沟通