2个版本话术,你们觉得1)好用直接扣1,2)话术好用直接扣2 在评论区。或者大家可以发给客户测试下,看哪个效果比较好,测试后评论区来告诉我结果哦。
1)Could you pls do me a favor? The arrival time of the package is about 5-7 days. Could you pls tell me when you get the package? Because I can't wait for you to receive this package. 您能帮我一个忙吗? 包裹的到达时间大概5-7 天。 你收到包裹后能马上告诉我吗? 因为我迫不及待想让你收到这个包裹.
2)Could you pls do me a favor? The arrival time of the package is about 5-7 days. Could you pls tell me when you get the package? If the package has not arrived at that time, I can find out the reason and deal with it in time.您能帮我一个忙吗? 包裹的到达时间约为 5-7 天。 你收到包裹后能告诉我吗? 如果那个时候包裹还没到,我才可以查下原因和及时处理。
You've chosen great products and picking them up was the right choice. Could you pls do me a favor? Could you pls tell me your customer's feedback on the product after you sell it? I'd love to hear what you tell me.
以上是为了让客户主动找我们,而不是我们一直主动追着客户,太累了。如果觉得有用就点赞收藏评论下哟 以防找不到~