在老外的眼中,什么Facebook,Twitter, Instagram等等平台他们都比我们玩的溜,就如同我们玩微信比他们要熟一样。(其实现在很多老外都开始用Wechat了,至少我们的代理商都在用了···From UK,US,AU,RU等等)。
在一次开会讨论社交媒体该怎么做之后,外籍同事提出了各种建议,当然准备工作得做好,那就是创建各种小号,他们喜欢称作Fake account(看来他们也明白需要养小号的道理啊,万事开头难啊,最开始关注少,是需要小号来一起助推的哟!),然后让代理商一起加入进来,大家一起来推,做关键词和热门话题的推送,增加互动和brand awareness。
阅读提示:文中的ABC等就是注册的账户名,XXXXXX就是更多的意思。最后的是参考排期,具体时间不重要,重要的是大家有个意识就是需要合理地把碎片化的时间利用起来,其实我们每次只需要几分钟share,like或者retweet而已,多多利用好hashtag# (类似新浪微博的热搜话题),日积月累就会有成效的哟。
We need to enhance our marketing and sales strategies without paying ads online. We are doing these tactics for quite a long time, here's how:
1. Brand exposure via social media (FB, IG, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Forums, Blogs, Reviews Sites)
How: > Create "fake" accounts (at least 3 per app...3 fake accounts for FB, 3 for IG and etc) of different interests (example: being a tech guy, being a gadget lover, a traveler etc)
> Follow our official accounts:
* A (IG)
* B (IG)
* C (Twitter)
* D (Twitter)
* E (FB)
> Follow our legit distributors’ Social Media account
* A
* B
> Re-share, retweet, repost and pin the posts of official accounts and authorized distributors. If you don't have
any idea how to repost, RT, pin or re-share post please read these article:
FB: https://www.wikihow.com/Repost-on-Facebook
IG: https://blog.bufferapp.com/how-to-repost-on-instagram
Twitter: https://www.wikihow.com/Retweet
Pinterest: https://kimgarst.com/how-to-pin-on-pinterest
> Join Groups on FB, choose the group per country or region .
Some groups restrict posting but some comes easy. Once you become a member of any group you may share/post. By sharing our pictures or videos or any posts from our official social media account/distributor's post you will increase brand awareness and indeed a free promotional activity/ads.
> Use hashtags and mention our official accounts on your post. Here's how and the popular hashtags and don't forget #brandname mention every time you comment/post/RT/repost/reshare:
Hastags: https://top-hashtags.com/instagram/
How to mention on FB: https://www.facebook.com/help/218027134882349/
How to mention on IG: https://www.justin.my/2012/04/how-to-mention-someone-on-instagram/
How to mention & reply on Twitter: https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/mentions-and-replies
The only thing we need to do is keep proceeding mentions, posts, retweet, repost, re-share or hashtags
At all our social media platforms.
To have a better impact here's our schedule of posting, repost, reshare, RT, commenting, pinning:
Person A: 1pm and 6:30pm (Mon to Fri + Sun) using fake accounts
Person B: 10am and 2pm (Mon to Fri + Sat) using fake accounts
Person C: 9 am and after 7pm (7 days a week) using official accounts and 6 fake accounts