To accomplish the HS code binding process successfully and swiftly, please follow the following instruction:
1--如果您的IECEE证书签发日期是在2020年3月31日之后,我司已按照规定绑定过HSCODE并且在出证的时候将绑定的HSCODE提供过给大家,大家可以留意证书信息页信息,因此不必再重新绑定If your IECEE certificates are issued after 31th.March.2020, we have binded the HSCODE with your IECEE certificate according to the regulation, the binded HSCODE has been provided to you together with the IECEE certificate, so you don't need worry about the binding.2--如果您的IECEE证书签发日期是在2020年3月31日之前,请同您的进口商确认该IECEE证书在Saber PC阶段绑定产品的海关编码并将该编码最晚在2020年6月23日提供给我司,我司将为您完成绑定。如在6月23日之前未收到您的指示,我们将自行为您分配该产品默认的沙特海关编码以避免您的证书失效。
If you IECEE certificates are issued before 31th.March.2020, please check with the importer for the HSCODE binded in the Saber Pc certificate and provide to us before 23th.June so that we can bind the HSCODE for you in the IECEE system. If you cannot provide us the HSCODE before 23th.June, we will allocate a correct HSCODE for you in the IECEE system to avoid the cancellation of your certificate.
Saber PC的海关编码位置请见如下图示:
Please refer to below figure for the Saber PC HSCODE
3. --一张IECEE证书只能对应一个HSCODE且不能更改,如果您的IECEE证书和SABER PC证书的HSCODE不相符,在清关的时候将产生风险。
Each IECEE certificate can bind ONLY one unchangeable HSCODE,the imcompatibility of the HSCODE in your IECEE certificates with Saber product certificates might cause you risk in the custom clearance.