Day 125 English Learning
Synonyms 同义词辨析
Vital & Crucial & Critical & Decisive & Indisspensable
These words all describe sb./sth. that is extremely important and competely necessary because a particular situation or activity depend on them. 以上各词均表示极其重要、完全必要、必不可少。
Essential extremely important and completely necessary, because without it sth. cannot exist, be made or be successful. 指极其重要的、完全必要的、必不可少的。
VItal essential 指极其重要的、完全必要的、必不可少的。
ESSENTIAL or VITAL?用essential还是vital?
There is no real difference in meaning between these words and the can be used with the same range of nouns and structures. However, there can be a slight difference in tone. Essential is used to sate a fact or opinion with authority. Vital is often used when there is some anxiety felt about sht, or a need to persuade sb. that a fact or opinion is true, right or important. Vital is less often used in negative statement. 以上两词在意义上无实质区别均可那与相同的名词连用,并使用相同的结构,只是在语气上稍有区别。essential用以说明事实或表明权威意见,vitual常用于对某事感到忧虑或需要使人信服某一事件或意见确实、正确或重要的等情况。vital较少用于否定句。
Crucial extremelyy important because a particular situation or activity depends on it. 指至关重要的、关键的。
Critical extremely important because a particular situation or activity depends on it. 指至关重要的、关键的。
CRUCIAL or CRITICAL?用crucial还是critical?
There is no real difference in meaning between thesewords and they can be used with the same range f nouns and structures. However, there is someties a slight difference in context. Critical is often used in technical matters of business or science; crucial is often used to taok about matters that may cause anxiety or otehr emotions. 以上两词在意义上无实质区别,均可与相同的名词连用,并使用相同的结构,只是有时在语境上稍有区别。criticial常用于商业或科学的技术问题,crucial常用于可能引起焦虑或其他情感方面的问题。
Decisive of the greatest importance in affecting the final result of a paticular situation.指决定性的、关键的。
Indispensable essential; too importantto be without指必须的、不可或缺的。