2024-10-17 22:12

海关查货权-5 美国联邦法规

Therefore, the shipment has been placed in detained status pending investigation pursuant to 19 USC 1484 (a)(2)(B) right to make entry and 19 CFR 122.48a(d)(1)(ix) cargo mis-manifest.因此,根据《美国法典》第 19 编第 1484 条 (a)(2)(B) 项的进口申报权和《美国联邦法规》第 19 编第 122.48a(d)(1)(ix) 条关于货物错报的规定,货物已被扣留,等待调查。

这里讲19 CFR 122.48a(d)(1)(ix) ,美国联邦法规



§ 122.48a Electronic information for air cargo required in advance of arrival.
§ 122.48a 要求航空货物抵达前提供电子信息。

(a) General requirement.
 Pursuant to section 343(a), Trade Act of 2002, as amended (19 U.S.C.
2071 note), for any inbound aircraft required to make entry under §
122.41, that will have commercial cargo aboard, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) must electronically receive from the inbound air
carrier and, if applicable, an approved party as specified in paragraph
(c)(1) of this section, certain information concerning the inbound
cargo, as enumerated, respectively, in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of
this section. CBP must receive such information according to the time
frames prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section. However, a subset of
these data elements known as ACAS data and identified in paragraph (d)
of this section, is also subject to the requirements and time frame
described in § 122.48b. The advance electronic transmission of the
required cargo information to CBP must be effected through a
CBP-approved electronic data interchange system.
2002 年贸易法案第 343(a)节,经修订的(19 U.S.C. 2071 注释),对于需要根据§
必须根据本节段落(b)规定的时间框架接收此类信息。然而,这些数据元素的一个子集,称为 ACAS 数据,并在本节段落(d)中标识,也受到§
122.48b中描述的要求和时间框架的约束。必须通过 CBP 批准的电子数据交换系统将所需的货物信息提前电子传输到 CBP。

(1) Cargo remaining aboard aircraft; cargo to be entered under bond.
 Air cargo arriving from and departing for a foreign country on the
same through flight and cargo that is unladen from the arriving aircraft
and entered, in bond, for exportation, or for transportation and
exportation (see subpart J of this part), are subject to the advance
electronic information filing requirement under paragraph (a) of this
(1)飞机上剩余的货物;需在保税下录入的货物。来自并前往外国的同一航班上的空运货物,以及从到达的飞机上卸下并在保税下录入,用于出口或运输和出口(参见本部分的 J 子部分)的货物,都需要按照本节的(a)段落提前电子信息报告要求。

(2) Diplomatic Pouches and Diplomatic Cargo.
 When goods comprising a diplomatic or consular bag (including cargo
shipments, containers, and the like identified as Diplomatic Pouch) that
belong to the United States or to a foreign government are shipped
under an air waybill, such cargo is subject to the advance reporting
requirements, but the description of the shipment as Diplomatic Pouch
will be sufficient detail for description. Shipments identified as
Diplomatic Cargo, such as office supplies or unaccompanied household
goods, are subject to the advance reporting requirements of paragraph
(a) of this section.

(b) Time frame for presenting data —
(b)呈现数据的时间框架 —

(1) Nearby foreign areas.
 In the case of aircraft under paragraph (a) of this section that
depart for the United States from any foreign port or place in North
America, including locations in Mexico, Central America, South America
(from north of the Equator only), the Caribbean, and Bermuda, CBP must
receive the required cargo information no later than the time of the
departure of the aircraft for the United States (the trigger time is no
later than the time that wheels are up on the aircraft, and the aircraft
is en route directly to the United States).
(1)附近的外国地区。在根据本节第(a)段从北美的任何外国港口或地点(包括墨西哥、中美洲、南美洲(仅限赤道以北)、加勒比海和百慕大)出发前往美国的飞机的情况下,CBP 必须在飞机出发前往美国的时间(触发时间不晚于飞机起飞,飞机直接飞往美国的时间)之前收到所需的货物信息。

(2) Other foreign areas.
 In the case of aircraft under paragraph (a) of this section that
depart for the United States from any foreign area other than that
specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, CBP must receive the
required cargo information no later than 4 hours prior to the arrival of
the aircraft in the United States.
(2)其他外国地区。 在根据本节的段落(a)从任何非指定在本节的段落(b)(1)的外国地区出发前往美国的飞机的情况下,海关边境保护局(CBP)必须在飞机抵达美国前的不迟于 4 小时收到所需的货物信息。

(c) Party electing to file advance electronic cargo data —
(c)选择提交预先电子货物数据的一方 —

(1) Other filer.
 In addition to incoming air carriers for whom participation is
mandatory, one of the following parties meeting the qualifications of
paragraph (c)(2) of this section, may elect to transmit to CBP the
electronic data for incoming cargo that is listed in paragraph (d)(2) of
this section:
(1)其他提交者。除了参与是强制性的进来的航空承运人外,满足本节段落 (c)(2)的资格的以下各方之一,可以选择向 CBP 传输在本节段落 (d)(2)中列出的进口货物的电子数据:

(i) An Automated Broker Interface (ABI) filer (importer or its Customs broker) as identified by its ABI filer code;
(i) 一个由其 ABI 文件代码标识的自动化经纪接口(ABI)文件者(进口商或其海关经纪人);

A Container Freight Station/deconsolidator as identified by its FIRMS
(Facilities Information and Resources Management System) code;
(ii) 一个由其 FIRMS(设施信息和资源管理系统)代码标识的集装箱货运站/拆箱站;

(iii) An Express Consignment Carrier Facility as identified by its FIRMS code; or,
(iii) 根据其 FIRMS 代码确定的快递托运设施;或者,

An air carrier as identified by its carrier IATA (International Air
Transport Association) code, that arranged to have the incoming air
carrier transport the cargo to the United States.
(iv) 一个通过其承运人 IATA(国际航空运输协会)代码识别的航空承运人,安排让进港航空承运人将货物运输到美国。

(2) Eligibility.
 To be qualified to file cargo information electronically, a party
identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section must establish the
communication protocol required by CBP for properly presenting cargo
information through the approved data interchange system. Also, other
than a broker or an importer (see § 113.62(k)(2) of this chapter), the
party must possess a Customs international carrier bond containing all
the necessary provisions of § 113.64 of this chapter.
CBP 要求的通信协议,以通过批准的数据交换系统正确提交货物信息。此外,除了经纪人或进口商(参见本章的§
113.62(k)(2)),该方还必须拥有包含本章的§ 113.64所有必要条款的海关国际运输保证金。

(3) Nonparticipation by other party.
 If another party as specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section does
not participate in advance electronic cargo information filing, the
party that arranges for and/or delivers the cargo shipment to the
incoming carrier must fully disclose and present to the carrier the
cargo information listed in paragraph (d)(2) of this section; and the
incoming carrier must present this information electronically to CBP
under paragraph (a) of this section.
(3)其他方未参与。如果本节的段落(c)(1)中指定的另一方未参与预先电子货物信息的提交,那么安排和/或将货物运输交付给进口承运人的一方必须完全披露并向承运人提供本节段落(d)(2)中列出的货物信息;并且进口承运人必须将此信息电子化地提交给 CBP,根据本节的段落(a)。

(4) Required information in possession of third party.
 Any other entity in possession of required cargo data that is not the
incoming air carrier or a party described in paragraph (c)(1) of this
section must fully disclose and present the required data for the
inbound air cargo to either the air carrier or other electronic filer,
as applicable, which must present such data to CBP.
(4)第三方持有的必需信息。 任何其他持有所需货物数据的实体,如果不是进口航空承运人或者本节第 (c)(1) 段所述的一方,必须完全披露并提供入境航空货物的所需数据给航空承运人或其他电子文件提交者(如适用),后者必须将此类数据提交给 CBP。

(5) Party receiving information believed to be accurate.
 Where the party electronically presenting the cargo information
required in paragraph (d) of this section receives any of this
information from another party, CBP will take into consideration how, in
accordance with ordinary commercial practices, the presenting party
acquired such information, and whether and how the presenting party is
able to verify this information. Where the presenting party is not
reasonably able to verify such information, CBP will permit the party to
electronically present the information on the basis of what that party
reasonably believes to be true.

(d) Non-consolidated/consolidated shipments.
 For non-consolidated shipments, the incoming air carrier must transmit
to CBP all of the information for the air waybill record, as enumerated
in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. For consolidated shipments: the
incoming air carrier must transmit to CBP the information listed in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section that is applicable to the master air
waybill; and the air carrier must transmit cargo information for all
associated house air waybills as enumerated in paragraph (d)(2) of this
section, unless another party as described in paragraph (c)(1) of this
section electronically transmits this information directly to CBP.
CBP 传输空运提单记录的所有信息,如段落 (d)(1)中所列。对于合并货物:进港航空承运人必须向 CBP 传输适用于主空运提单的段落
(d)(1)中列出的信息;并且航空承运人必须传输所有相关的分运单的货物信息,如段落 (d)(2)中所列,除非段落
(c)(1)中描述的另一方直接电子传输此信息至 CBP。

(1) Cargo information from air carrier.
 The incoming air carrier must present to CBP the following data
elements for inbound air cargo (an “M” next to any listed data element
indicates that the data element is mandatory in all cases; a “C” next to
the listed data element indicates that the data element is conditional
and must be transmitted to CBP only if the particular information
pertains to the inbound cargo; and an “A” next to any listed data
element indicates that the data element is an ACAS data element that is
also subject to the requirements and time frame specified in § 122.48b):
进入的航空承运人必须向 CBP
CBP;而任何列出的数据元素旁边的“A”表示该数据元素是也受§ 122.48b中规定的要求和时间框架约束的 ACAS 数据元素):

Air waybill number (M) (A) (The air waybill number is the International
Air Transport Association (IATA) standard 11-digit number);
(i) 空运提单号码 (M) (A) (空运提单号码是国际航空运输协会(IATA)的标准 11 位数字);

(ii) Trip/flight number (M);
(ii) 旅行/航班号码 (M);

Carrier/ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) code (M) (The
approved electronic data interchange system supports both 3- and
2-character ICAO codes, provided that the final digit of the 2-character
code is not a numeric value);
(iii) 运营商/ICAO(国际民航组织)代码(M)(经批准的电子数据交换系统支持 3 位和 2 位的 ICAO 代码,只要 2 位代码的最后一位不是数字值);

Airport of arrival (M) (The 3-alpha character ICAO code corresponding
to the first airport of arrival in the Customs territory of the United
States (for example, Chicago O'Hare = ORD; Los Angeles International
Airport = LAX));
(iv) 到达机场 (M) (对应于美国海关领土内第一个到达机场的 3 字母 ICAO 代码(例如,芝加哥奥黑尔 = ORD;洛杉矶国际机场 = LAX));

Airport of origin (M) (The 3-alpha character ICAO code corresponding to
the airport from which a shipment began its transportation by air to
the United States (for example, if a shipment began its transportation
from Hong Kong (HKG), and it transits through Narita, Japan (NRT), en
route to the United States, the airport of origin is HKG, not NRT));
(v) 起始机场 (M) (对应于货物开始通过空运到达美国的机场的 3 字母 ICAO 代码(例如,如果货物从香港(HKG)开始运输,并通过日本成田(NRT)途经到达美国,那么起始机场是 HKG,而不是 NRT));

(vi) Scheduled date of arrival (M);
(vi) 预定到达日期 (M);

Total quantity based on the smallest external packing unit (M) (A) (for
example, 2 pallets containing 50 pieces each would be considered as
100, not 2);
(vii) 基于最小外部包装单位(M)(A)的总数量(例如,包含 50 件的 2 个托盘将被视为 100,而不是 2);

(viii) Total weight (M) (A) (may be expressed in either pounds or kilograms);
(viii) 总重量 (M) (A) (可以用磅或千克表示);

Precise cargo description (M) (A) (for consolidated shipments, the word
“Consolidation” is a sufficient description for the master air waybill
record; for non-consolidated shipments, a precise cargo description or
the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number must be provided
(generic descriptions, specifically those such as “FAK” (“freight of all
kinds”), “general cargo”, and “STC” (“said to contain”) are not
(ix) 精确的货物描述 (M) (A)
(对于集装货物,"Consolidation"一词对于主运单记录来说是足够的描述;对于非集装货物,必须提供精确的货物描述或 6

Shipper name and address (M) (A) (for consolidated shipments, the
identity of the consolidator, express consignment or other carrier, is
sufficient for the master air waybill record; for non-consolidated
shipments, the name of the foreign vendor, supplier, manufacturer, or
other similar party is acceptable (and the address of the foreign
vendor, etc., must be a foreign address); by contrast, the identity of a
carrier, freight forwarder or consolidator is not acceptable);
发货人姓名和地址 (M) (A)

Consignee name and address (M) (A) (for consolidated shipments, the
identity of the container station (see 19 CFR 19.40-19.49), express
consignment or other carrier is sufficient for the master air waybill
record; for non-consolidated shipments, the name and address of the
party to whom the cargo will be delivered is required regardless of the
location of the party; this party need not be located at the arrival or
destination port);
(xi) 收货人姓名和地址(M)(A)(对于集装箱货物,集装箱站的身份(参见19 CFR

(xii) Consolidation identifier (C);
(xii) 合并标识符 (C);

Split shipment indicator (C) (see paragraph (d)(3) of this section for
the specific data elements that must be presented to CBP in the case of a
split shipment);
(xiii) 分割装运指示器(C)(请参阅本节的段落(d)(3),了解在分割装运情况下必须呈现给 CBP 的具体数据元素);

Permit to proceed information (C) (this element includes the
permit-to-proceed destination airport (the 3-alpha character ICAO code
corresponding to the permit-to-proceed destination airport); and the
scheduled date of arrival at the permit-to-proceed destination airport);
(xiv) 许可前行信息(C)(此元素包括许可前行目的地机场(对应许可前行目的地机场的 3 字母 ICAO 代码);以及预定到达许可前行目的地机场的日期);

(xv) Identifier of other party which is to submit additional air waybill information (C);
(xv) 需要提交额外空运提单信息的其他方的标识符 (C);

In-bond information (C) (this data element includes the destination
airport; the international/domestic identifier (the in-bond type
indicator); the in-bond control number, if there is one (C); and the
onward carrier identifier, if applicable (C));
(xvi) 内保信息 (C) (此数据元素包括目的地机场;国际/国内标识符(内保类型指示器);如果有的话,内保控制号码 (C);以及如适用,后续运输商标识符 (C));

Local transfer facility (C) (this facility is a Container Freight
Station as identified by its FIRMS code, or the warehouse of another air
carrier as identified by its carrier code); and
(xvii) 本地转运设施 (C)(该设施是由其 FIRMS 代码标识的集装箱货运站,或由其承运人代码标识的另一家航空承运人的仓库);和

Flight departure message (M) (this data element includes the liftoff
date and liftoff time using the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/Universal
Time, Coordinated (UTC) at the time of departure from each foreign
airport en route to the United States; if an aircraft en route to the
United States stops at one or more foreign airports and cargo is loaded
on board, the flight departure message must be provided for each
(xviii) 航班离港信息(M)(此数据元素包括使用格林威治标准时间(GMT)/协调世界时间(UTC)的起飞日期和起飞时间,在从每个外国机场出发前往美国的时候;如果一架前往美国的飞机在一个或多个外国机场停留并装载货物,必须为每次离港提供航班离港信息)。

(2) Cargo information from carrier or other filer.
 The incoming air carrier must present the following additional
information to CBP for the incoming cargo, unless another party as
specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section elects to present this
information directly to CBP. Information for all house air waybills
under a single master air waybill consolidation must be presented
electronically to CBP by the same party. (An “M” next to any listed data
element indicates that the data element is mandatory in all cases; a
“C” next to any listed data element indicates that the data element is
conditional and must be transmitted to CBP only if the particular
information pertains to the inbound cargo; and an “A” next to any listed
data element indicates that the data element is an ACAS data element
that is also subject to the requirements and time frame specified in §
进入的航空承运人必须向 CBP 提供以下额外信息,除非第(c)(1)段中指定的其他方选择直接向 CBP
CBP;而任何列出的数据元素旁边的“A”表示该数据元素是 ACAS 数据元素,也受§ 122.48b规定的要求和时间框架的约束):

The master air waybill number and the associated house air waybill
number (M) (A) (the house air waybill number may be up to 12
alphanumeric characters (each alphanumeric character that is indicated
on the paper house air waybill document must be included in the
electronic transmission; alpha characters may not be eliminated));
(i) 主运单号和关联的分运单号(M)(A)(分运单号最多可达 12 个字母数字字符(纸质分运单文件上标明的每一个字母数字字符都必须包含在电子传输中;字母字符不得被消除));

Foreign airport of origin (M) (The 3-alpha character ICAO code
corresponding to the airport from which a shipment began its
transportation by air to the United States (for example, if a shipment
began its transportation from Hong Kong (HKG), and it transits through
Narita, Japan (NRT), en route to the United States, the airport of
origin is HKG, not NRT));
(ii) 外国始发机场(M)(对应于货物开始通过空运到达美国的机场的 3 字母 ICAO 代码(例如,如果货物从香港(HKG)开始运输,并通过日本成田(NRT)途经到达美国,那么始发机场是 HKG,而不是 NRT));

Cargo description (M) (A) (a precise description of the cargo or the
6-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number must be provided);
(iii) 货物描述 (M) (A) (必须提供货物的精确描述或 6 位数的协调制度税则(HTS)号码);

Total quantity based on the smallest external packing unit (M) (A) (for
example, 2 pallets containing 50 pieces each would be considered as
100, not 2);
(iv) 基于最小外部包装单位(M)(A)的总数量(例如,包含 50 件的 2 个托盘将被视为 100,而不是 2);

(v) Total weight of cargo (M) (A) (may be expressed in either pounds or kilograms);
(v) 货物总重 (M) (A) (可以用磅或千克表示);

Shipper name and address (M) (A) (the name of the foreign vendor,
supplier, manufacturer, or other similar party is acceptable (and the
address of the foreign vendor, etc., must be a foreign address); by
contrast, the identity of a carrier, freight forwarder or consolidator
is not acceptable);
(vi) 发货人名称和地址 (M) (A) (可以接受外国供应商、供应商、制造商或其他类似方的名称(并且外国供应商等的地址必须是外国地址);相比之下,承运人、货运代理或整合商的身份是不可接受的);

Consignee name and address (M) (A) (the name and address of the party
to whom the cargo will be delivered is required regardless of the
location of the party; this party need not be located at the arrival or
destination port); and
(vii) 收货人名称和地址(M)(A)(无论该方所在的位置如何,都需要提供货物将交付给谁的名称和地址;这个方不必位于到达地或目的地港口);和

In-bond information (C) (this data element includes the destination
airport; the international/domestic identifier (the in-bond type
indicator); the in-bond control number, if there is one (C); and the
onward carrier identifier, if applicable (C)).
(viii) 内保信息 (C)(此数据元素包括目的地机场;国际/国内标识符(内保类型指示器);如果有的话,内保控制号码 (C);以及如适用,后续运输商标识符 (C))。

(3) Additional cargo information from air carrier; split shipment.
 When the incoming air carrier elects to transport cargo covered under a
single consolidated air waybill on more than one aircraft as a split
shipment (see § 141.57 of this chapter), the carrier must report the
following additional information for each house air waybill covered
under the consolidation (An “M” next to any listed data element
indicates that the data element is mandatory in all cases; a “C” next to
any listed data element indicates that the data element is conditional
and must be transmitted to CBP only if the particular information
pertains to the inbound cargo):
CBP 传输的数据元素):

The master and house air waybill number (M) (The master air waybill
number is the IATA standard 11-digit number; the house air waybill
number may be up to 12 alphanumeric characters (each alphanumeric number
that is indicated on the paper house air waybill must be included in
the electronic transmission; alpha characters may not be eliminated));
(i) 主运单和分运单号码(M)(主运单号码是 IATA 标准的 11 位数字;分运单号码可能高达 12 个字母数字字符(纸质分运单上标明的每一个字母数字号码都必须包含在电子传输中;字母字符不能被消除);

(ii) The trip/flight number (M);
(ii) 旅行/航班号码 (M);

The carrier/ICAO code (M) (The approved electronic data interchange
system supports both 3- and 2-character ICAO codes, provided that the
final digit of the 2-character code is not a numeric value);
(iii) 运营商/ICAO 代码(M)(经批准的电子数据交换系统支持 3 位和 2 位的 ICAO 代码,只要 2 位代码的最后一位不是数字值);

The airport of arrival (M) (The 3-alpha character ICAO code
corresponding to the first airport of arrival in the Customs territory
of the United States (for example, Chicago O'Hare = ORD; Los Angeles
International Airport = LAX));
(iv) 到达机场(M)(对应于美国海关领土上第一个到达机场的 3 字母 ICAO 代码(例如,芝加哥奥黑尔= ORD;洛杉矶国际机场= LAX));

The airport of origin (M) (The 3-alpha character ICAO code
corresponding to the airport from which a shipment began its
transportation by air to the United States (for example, if a shipment
began its transportation from Hong Kong (HKG), and it transits through
Narita, Japan (NRT), en route to the United States, the airport of
origin is HKG, not NRT));
(v) 起始机场(M)(对应于货物开始通过空运到达美国的机场的 3 字母 ICAO 代码(例如,如果货物从香港(HKG)开始运输,并在途经日本成田(NRT)的路上到达美国,那么起始机场就是 HKG,而不是 NRT);

(vi) Scheduled date of arrival (M);
(vi) 预定到达日期 (M);

The total quantity of the cargo covered by the house air waybill based
on the smallest external packing unit (M) (For example, 2 pallets
containing 50 pieces each would be considered as 100, not 2);
(vii) 根据最小外部包装单位(M)计算的由主运单覆盖的货物总量(例如,包含 50 件的 2 个托盘将被视为 100,而不是 2);

(viii) The total weight of the cargo covered by the house air waybill (M) (May be expressed in either pounds or kilograms);
(viii) 由主运单(M)所覆盖的货物的总重量(可以用磅或千克表示);

Description (M) (This description should mirror the precise level of
cargo description information that is furnished to the incoming carrier
by the other electronic filer, if applicable (see paragraph (c)(1) of
this section));
(ix) 描述(M)(此描述应反映其他电子文件提交者向进入承运人提供的货物描述信息的精确级别,如果适用(参见本节的段落(c)(1)));

Permit-to-proceed information (C) (This element includes the
permit-to-proceed destination airport (the 3-alpha character ICAO code
corresponding to the permit-to-proceed destination airport); and the
scheduled date of arrival at the permit-to-proceed destination airport);
(x) 许可前行信息 (C) (此元素包括许可前行目的地机场(对应许可前行目的地机场的 3 字母 ICAO 代码);以及预定抵达许可前行目的地机场的日期);

Boarded quantity (C) (The quantity of the cargo covered by the house
air waybill (see paragraph (d)(3)(vii) of this section) that is included
in the incoming portion of the split shipment); and
(xi) 已登记的数量 (C)(由房屋空运提单覆盖的货物数量(参见本节的段落 (d)(3)(vii))包含在拆分货物的入境部分中);和

Boarded weight (C) (The weight of the cargo covered by the house air
waybill (see paragraph (d)(3)(viii) of this section) that is included in
the incoming portion of the split shipment).
(xii) 登机重量(C)(由房屋空运提单(参见本节的段落(d)(3)(viii))所覆盖的货物的重量,包含在拆分货物的进货部分中)。

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