各位老师,简单介绍一下。这是个澳大利亚的批发商和工程承包商。他在去年八月份到元旦每月都批量给我下单。订单量不错,而且我们的沟通也比较顺畅,元旦的时候我有给他送过新年礼物,他也表示很高兴。 但是....后面就没有单子了,2月, 3月, 4月。这个是几次的询问后,4月7日他的回复。
Thanks for your email.
I’ve placed my recent orders with another supplier.
They were able to offer better prices.
It was lucky for them, as they contacted me about the same time as you told me of your decision to raise prices.
So far their service has been good, and their quality is also good.
Sorry to be giving you bad news on a Friday.
Thanks for your frank, actually this is not a bad news to me. For now I know you move your order only because of the price.
I know the price battle is not a good thing, but could you give me a chance?
Now this time you give me the price, do not consider the order quantity, can settle some styles with a few pieces.
Quality will be keep the same, and with competitive price.
OK, I do not want to lose your company when I just back from vacation.
Really want you consider this suggest, and looking forward your order .
One more element , please consider, me.
I think I am a responsible, major, quick response salesman. Nothing can stop me to follow up your order, products, even when I am in the hospital. If price, quality with the same level, this will be a import reason to choice the supplier.
Really want you give us a chance.