在米课圈里看到Eyllina 发的这个内容,我脑海里立刻想到了一篇引自于前世界五百强Ben叔在BE里写过的模板,
Hi Eyllina, I am going to place order for **** for 2 K as per attached breakdown. And only the bands of it as per below. BLACK 300 BLUE 100 NAVY 100 So, let me know your best price and best delivery date. Thanks, 一个美国客户a, 是一个犹太人,也是目前为止我见过最滑头的客户。这个产品线一开始我们是独家,他跟我们合作了一年多。一年后,产品满大街了。他就喜欢两个供应商下单,同一个产品。这个月我这里下,下一个月下另外一家。每次都拿另外一家工厂的价格压我,应该是两边压价格。后来我就放弃了,虽然利润量也可以,但是压来压去心累。昨天收到邮件说有订单,但是数量是之前的1/5,颜色也多,操作起来很麻烦。我如何委婉的拒绝他啊。 @毅冰 冰大大,求英文支招。[呲牙]
Hi C,
I share with you personally that I am sad to see the project didn't go well as expected. I understand you and your team has put significant effort trying to make it happen. (这个开场白。。老套路。像一个人一样去说话。你们一起做这项目都一段时间了,你有点sad也不是假话吧?)Within our team we have seriously discuss and try to develop the best solution for both of us. Yet, this is the final decision we made to terminate this project. (我不会选择用理据去说服他。为什么?因为我根本不用理据。你报了价老外鸟都不鸟你时,他需要什么理据吗?需要说,对不起因于以下原因我们不能跟你买了。。。需要吗?所以同样,这是一个商业决定,以利益为依归,利益本身就是个最好的理据了。直接,简洁地说this is the final decision we made就好了。 )
As a responsible supplier, we manage discontinuity for our customer. (很奇怪。MBA常常出现management这个字,像是什么time management, risk management。但manage作为动词的妙用我也是到了后期才懂。至于discontinuity,我在上面说过了。连你的后事我也管了,中国最佳供应商有没有?)What we can do is to produce one last lot for you to cover the rest of your demand. It could be any qty but I suggest (我提醒你,I suggest,这是你最后一次下单的机会了)you plan carefully your inventory demand and make sure it is enough until the end of your product life cycle. After this lot, we will stop and will not manufacture this product again. (这些一定都要清楚说明,no confusion,不然下次又会说自己听不明白之类)
For this special occasion, we would like to manage payment differently. 50% deposit is required and the balance to be paid before shipment. (这是一个重要的点。为什么?关系有变了,我们也需要因应而调整风险管理,很正常。)We will keep the tooling and offer another 3 months of warranty free of charge so that in case you have any quality concern we can still cover your balance. After 3 months, you can arrange to take your tooling (you paid it already) at your own cost or we will scrap it.(仁至义尽了。这是我的处理方法。)
I hope this arrange work best for both of us. I enjoy working with you and hope to make business again with you next time.
Best Regards,