在上篇文章整理了客户来访的SOP,这次把客户来访的small talk奉上。
由于在日常的工作中缺乏对英语口语的练习,虽然学习场景英语3月有余,但面对即将来访的客户还是会紧张,甚至有些许的胆怯。不打无准备的仗,所以准备了以下接待客户来访的Small talk, 欢迎优秀的你在评论区补充。
Hello, it's Mr. Smith, isn't it?
You must be Mr. Smith.
Nice to meet you.
It's great to finally meet you in person/lt's great to finally put a face to the name.
I hope you didn't have any trouble finding us.
Please let me help you with your bags.
Let me take that for you.
How was the flight/trip?
The car is just down here please follow me.
So, is this your first time in Wenzhou?
Have you been to China before?
The offices are not far - it will take about 15 minutes to get there.
Which hotel are you staying in?
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
How's the weather in Libya at the moment?
We'll be passing the XXX in a moment. It's just up here on the left if you want to take a look.
So, here we are. Come this way, please.
Let's go to reception and get you a visitor's pass.
Can I get you anything? Tea, coffee, water?
Please make yourself at home.
Can I take your coat/jacket?
I've made a reservation at a really great Chinese restaurant which is near your hotel. I hope 7pm is OK?
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