面对这种情况,我们该如何更合理地去应对、安抚客户?写几句不痛不痒的内容强行安慰明显效果会欠佳, 只有列出客观真实的数据和事实才更有可能让担忧的客户放下心来
以下是本人花了一个下午的时间援引归纳的一些数据和信息(含中、英版本,可能对武汉地区的同胞们不够友好,抱歉),并和2014年的西非 埃博拉病毒做数据对比,大家可以根据自身的情况作出适当修改并发给一些关注此次疫情的客户参考。
1. 因为此次疫情发生在中国新年前夕,所以造成比其他时间更大些的负面影响;
2. 此次疫情只在中国的武汉市影响较大;
3. 至目前为止,所有病患者均为武汉本地人及在武汉工作生活旅游过的人
4. 不像埃博拉病毒那样致命,此疫病只需佩戴相关标准(N95、KN95等)的口罩、勤洗手即可有效预防;
5. 每天都有越来越多的感染者被治愈并出院
6. 目前疾控中心已于1月27日分离到了病毒毒株,目前正在加紧研制疫苗中
Datas below quote from Wikipedia and China Official site of NHC (National Health Commission of PRC) and could be verify through the links below:
Below are Data Comparison between 2014 Ebola Virus Disease and 2019 -nCoV Wuhan Coronavirus
Truth you deserve to know about Wuhan Coronavirus(2019-nCoV):
1. The Epidemic outbreak at around one month before the Chinese New Year holiday, which caused more serious negative impact than other normal periods;
2. Only Wuhan city occupy the main infected numbers and death numbers compare to other areas;
3. By far, all infected and dead people are Wuhan locals and the people whom been lived,worked or travelled at Wuhan city in last few months;
4. Unlike Ebola Virus-Zaire Disease, Wuhan Coronavirus could be prevent effectively by wearing N95/KN 95 standard mask, which is available at almost every local pharmacy and online stores;
5. Everyday, more and more infected people been cured and leave hospital;
6. The specimens of the virus has been taken by China Disease Control Center on January 27 and the Vaccine due to be available in one month at the soonest
@阿拉蕾小编 查数据码字不易,求加精哈哈