The fabrics sent to *** are in the Aiport in Curitiba, waiting the release from the Brazilian customs.
Last friday, I received the email below sent by *** telling us that the value of freight written in the PI & Invoice ( USD 970 ) is too much different of the value written in the HAWB ( RMB 11.553,21 = around USD1700 !!!!!)"It occurs that the value of the freight informed by the supplier is much higher than the amount paid in the PI (attached). With this, all taxes go up and much, about R$ 3.000 to R$ 4,000.00 difference.The product that we are paying approximately R$ 1,500.00 plus R$ 3,500 freight, will have a cost of approximately R$ 8,000.00 in taxes.
The only way to correct it is according to***‘’s comment below: I spoke with the company and according to them is correct the prepaid freight of CNY 11,553.21.According to them, if you have to change the origin, you must send a correction letter correcting the freight.I can not register the DI with the freight so high Because converting to USD of the higher than the value of the merchandise including the freight that appears in the invoice"
Katherine, please contact the forwarding agent urgently and please ask for them to send a CORRECTION LETTER correcting the freight valued according the value written in the Invoice "This matter is extremely urgent, and I need to receive this Correction Letter tomorrow morning. Please also request to sign the correction letter with blue pen , by hand and send it by email.
正在与货代沟通相应的办法,同时客户这里说的Correction letter to correcting the freight是指我这边以公司的名义出示一份这样的文件还是需要代理出示就可以了?航空公司应该是不会出示的。哪位米友之前遇上类似的情况,是怎么解决的?求赐教,谢谢了!