一 写不出
Nostalgic 你从这个词可以联想到什么?
1 从李阳疯狂英语中想到了三句话:
I'm a very nostalgic person.
I went to the trade show four years ago, loved it , and still feel nostalgic about it.
This was a nostalgic trip for me, so toching , about a real and memorable time.
Nostalgic/Nostalgic products 怀旧产品
Quick tips: 随时转化
2 从卫生巾英文包装上想到的思路,
when making inquiries, please refer to the number printed on the bottom of the package.
when making inquiries, please refer to the item number on our brochure.
For more information, please refer to our website.
工具 RandomWordGenertor
还有 mix.com
二 听不懂 怎么办
80 主流英文电视台在线看,每年基本上相当于节约了1000美金
‘It happened so quickly that one day we were business owners and the nest day we were unemployed ’
Luis Ramirez, 49, Told CNN.
It happened so quickly that it was all over the place before we noticed it's trending in Malaysia.
It happened so quickly that we did not see it coming.
It happened so quickly that I wasn't sure if I would have seized the opportunity if I hadn't been monitoring the market using the techniques I learned from Yibing.
发音不对 + 内容不行
3 Catchy slogans/Catchy sales slogans
先纠音再刻苦练习, 这就是为什么汪大要录制口语课程,所以要报名的一定要抓紧时间了。
记不住 如何解决:
Don't reinvent the wheel
5句话的sales Pitch
The TWS earbuds category is ripe for the picking.
Our clients have been raving about this new design.
Also the sound quality of it will blow your mind.
Since we have the product and you have the reach.
Let's make a big splash together in U.K.
Hi guys, whenever an outdoor adventure is planned, we never miss one thing.
It's the stainless steel water bottle.
Well, there are lots of water bottles available in the martket, but do you know how are they manufactured?
If not, just relax and get ready because today I am going to take you to our factory and I will let you know 'how do we do it?'
So here we go.
Based on what you've just told me , I'm going to recommend our XXX to you.
Before I present our new product let me stress that it does support what you've already accomplished and isn't a departure at all from what you're already doing.
What kind of volume were you thinking?
For an order of that size, we could give it to you for $5.00/pc.
Which is more essential in your decision -price ,quality or delivery?