1. 开发客户
2. 跟进客户
3. 解决售后问题等;
WhatsApp (欧美,香港的客户常用)
PS: 不同国家流行用的软件不一样,其它的没下载那么多
1. 提前整理自己的一些疑问点并约好客户电话沟通时间,若是新客户打Cold call,多用些跟产品以及行业相关的词汇,让客户了解你是做什么的;(注意时差问题)
2. 多用How, What等开放性提问;
3. 用心留意客户的近期活动信息,比如在社媒更新的动态作为谈话切入点,参加展会,在B2B上面发询盘等拉近跟客户的距离;(政治问题就算了)
4. 注意自己的说话语气,不要一打电话就好像在审犯一样,为什么不回复?多给客户留下个深刻的好印象非常重要。
1. 比如:客户觉得你价格贵怎么办?
2. 如果听不懂客户的话,可以边开录音边说,事后多听一下;
3. 比如客户近期没有采购需求了,怎么办?
What’s a good time for us to talk?
Which date and time is available for you to discuss?
Is 2:00pm in your time workable for you?
👩🦰:Hi XXX, this is XXX calling for company.
I found your company website is selling XXX products, I’d like to introduce the upgrade version for you
I'm calling to share you the best seller in Amazon, 或者XXX (国家)market
and see if you get interested. 直接推荐最畅销的产品给客户
📌 引导客户给予你更多的信息。
I'd like check how do you think of the offer I sent you? 询问对收到的报价想法如何?
Do you need me to send you some more options? 如果对方说yes, 那你可以先反问他
What do you most concern about so far? 你目前最关注什么?
或者How is the market there for XXX? 询问客户那边这种产品的市场如何?等
Would you mind telling me what's the most challenge now you're facing?
或者 Just want to check the details I've sent. What else are you considering now?
Could you share with me what is preventing you from moving forward?
Thanks to give me a nice change to speak to you instead of sending you message / dealing through email.
比如I'm waiting for your further decision to proceed. What's your opinion now?
比如I've got you a solution for bringing the cost down.