结果, 很多人发微信或者私信我,
实话说, 肯定是有的,
但,有些欧美,中国, 日本客户订单没少,反而多了.
不停加单,我们工厂现在天天赶货, 根本做不完.
我现在的工作日常就是, 天天跟采购沟通订单, 交期, 赶货, 出货等
如下XX公司采购天天问, 货做完了吗? 赶紧送货, 我还要下单
你或许会问, 为什么你的客户还在加单?
3/22 @毅冰HK 毅冰老师在学霸群里分享, 完美的解释了为什么。
如下图, 聪明的客户在追加订单, 你看懂了吗?
我们公司客户来自不同的国家, 不同行业.
比如, 欧洲, 美国, 日本, 中国, 巴西等
所果你的客户都是一个国家的, 或者一个行业的,
那就非常危险了, 公司的抗风险能力非常低.
疫情期间, 我们能做什么?
这一个多月, 我深刻的体会到了, 新客户开发的难度.
目前疫情严重, 大部分客户都是在家办公, 心思不在工作上了, 最关注生命安全.
所以, 在这个特殊的时候, 关心客户, 帮助客户就显得格外重要了.
发问候邮件是必须要有的, 特别感谢一下猫哥@喜欢晚睡的猫 的分享, 给我很大的启发,
在关心客户的同时, 也注意询问疫情对客户生意的影响, 我们能为客户做什么.
借用猫哥的思维, 给所有老客户发了邮件, 亲测有效, 客户反馈非常积极,
德国目前情况还好, 就是看到意大利的局势时,感到恐惧,尽最大努力避免这种情况。
Dear Sally
Many thanks for your kind e-mail – this is so kind of you!
Thankfully, my colleagues, family and friends are (so far) fine. There are some restrictions in Germany now (restaurants/bars etc are closed – only “takeaway” is allowed.)
Beside that we can go out (I live in Iserlohn and we do have wonderful forests in our area): so we can go out for a walk or (like me) for a ride by bike.
In general (so far) the situation in Germany is not (yet) that bad: some people unfortunately died, but these were basically very old people who had some illnesses/weakness before.
But when we see the situation in Italy, we are terrified and we try our utmost to avoid this situation.
Businesswise (in our department) we have been working as usual. We are at home, but thanks to laptop etc we can work as usual. For us there is – so far – no difference.
We wish you, your families & colleagues: all the best – and good health.、
这是XX公司的R&D老大, 针对这次疫情, 我跟他分享疫情是危机也是机会,
应该要抓住机会, 提前布局, 我们可以怎样帮到他们.
他特别兴奋, 马上和老板同事分享了这个信息,
马上开视频会议确认细节, 目前正在和他们商谈新品开发/生产计划, 后续再分享细节.
Dear Sally
Thanks so much that you care for us. I also shared this with my boss and colleagues: there are not enough words to express how much we appreciate that you are thinking of us.
At this time, we are really fine as we still can go out to shops. Unfortunately I cannot meet with my sister (and family) and my parents as we decided to keep the distance (we can just talk on the phone), but my partner and I try our best and enjoy the (quiet) time together.
Thanks so so much – and I hope that very soon a vaccine will be found!
Best wishes – stay healthy and enjoy the time with your family,
这是XXX公司的CFO, 有提到德国大公司,特别是大众汽车,宝马或梅赛德斯奔驰等大型汽车制造商,已决定在欧洲停止生产。同时维持他们的业务越来越困难.
所果我说我建议客户生产口罩, 你会不会有点惊讶?
我跟客户分享了国内比亚迪, 格力, 富士康等公司转行做口罩, 整理非常多资料给他参考. 当然并不是所有客户都建议生产口罩, 因为我知道这家公司有现成的车间, 有独特资源, 有政府关系, 而且有口罩供应商资源. 好消息是客户口罩已经投产了, 我是真心希望他们公司能趁此机会发展公司业务, 提高营业额,帮助更多的人。
Thanks for your lovely message. Personally, I am fine. I am working from my home with no or only limited contacts to other people.
The German government asked all citizens to follow “social distancing” at least until April 5th. There are strict rules to follow while you are in public. It is still possible to go out for a walk or run. But you have to be on your own or at max. only two people together.
Only families or roommates who live in the same house or apartment can go out at larger number than 2 people. But in general, people have to keep distance to each other.
In addition, the government closed all public institutions (incl. kindergartens, schools, universities, governmental agencies, etc.) and non-essential business (e.g. stores, restaurants, cinemas, gyms, etc.) have to close. Only grocery stores and markets that are selling essential goods are still open.
Of course, these harsh measurements have an impact on the economy here in Germany and Europe. Big German companies, in particular the giant car manufactures like Volkswagen, BMW or Mercedes Benz, have decided to stop production here in Europe.
We notice that it is getting tougher to maintain our business. But our plants are still in operation. Only one plant in Portugal decided to stop production for two weeks during the Easter holiday season. The plant managers took additional measurements to increase the safety of the workers.
Luckily, the mortality rate in Germany is very low in comparison with other countries such as Italy or Spain. Hopefully, the measurements will help to slow down the spreading of the virus. This will be the key to make sure that there is enough capacity in our health system to care for the people who are in need. But you are right, in general the virus is probably not that dangerous for a large scale of the population. But the entire population has to take care of the endangered people.
Thank you and stay healthy.
美国目前感染人数全球第一,我真的是特别担心他们,只能GOD BLESS HIM 了
Hi Sally,
We are all safe and well.
With the ramping in testing for the virus, we expect the number of those who are affected to go up quickly. Have to say that we were a bit surprised how quickly the virus has taken hold and is spreading, but certain that we are taking the necessary steps to fight the disease. Now understand what it must have been for yourself and is like in your country, much uncertainty.
We are now in a "shelter at home" situation for the next 2 weeks, meaning that we are to social distance from one another, all restaurants are limited to pickup/delivery, with all community gatherings closed, in attempts to curb the spike of the spreading virus. All vital essential businesses are continuing to operate, grocery and hardware stores, gas stations, and those who provide critical manufacturing. We are mostly working from home, yet I am in the office today, for a few hours.
Express much gratitude for the warm sentiments and concerns, and to wish continued success to our family/businesses. Our plan here has not changed. We anticipate, as like you, once we have control over the spread of the virus we will return to normal operations as soon as possible, with expectations in revitalizing our economies.
We will work through this together and greatly appreciate your friendship and support from everyone at XXX. Agree, we will make it through this as one family.
Many Regards,
对他们来说, 这次疫情是一个巨大的挑战,因为他们的主要市场(如意大利,法国,西班牙等)实际上取消了所有订单。哎,我真的替客户担心.
他特别肯定中国面对疫情的做法, 表现特别出色!
最后一句话, 我觉得说的特别好, 我觉得每个人都要有这样的认知,敬畏大自然!
yes – infection ratio in XXX is still climbing up. For today we have 32.000 cases.
The whole country is now in silent prospects to see the curve start to flatten out.
We can only help by staying apart from each other, bring our hospital capacity up & taking people over from Italy & France to Intensive care as long there is space.
For XXX it is a big challenge as well, since our main markets like Italy, France, Spain, etc. actually cancel all orders.
We need to react now. So production will slow down for April at first. Let’s see, when the markets will re-open to be ready for the unfulfilled demands.
How it will effect our development departments, is yet under discussion. For now we are still working - partially in office and at home.、
For China, doing a great job - especially in Hubei province – highest respects !
Good to hear, you don’t get improvident now. It is really the time not to be selfish and take care about each other.
Yes – finally we will win against this virus.
Hope the world can learn from this. Nature is more powerful than us and we need to treat nature much better in the future.
只分享了几个客户的回复, 收到的邮件太多, 全部放上来就显的累赘了,
我真正的感受到了, 中国的强大,身为中国人,特别骄傲!
也感受到了客户对我们的关心, 大家都是命运共同体!
2月份, COVID-19在中国大爆发, 很多客户都发来邮件, 打电话关心我们.
3月份, COVID-19在全球大爆发, 轮到我们关心客户, 帮助客户!
我觉得做外贸的成就感, 不仅仅是做了多少订单, 赚了多少钱, 更重要的是你在不同的国家都有客户, 朋友, 随时和你分享, 关心你, 牵挂着你, 这才是我最喜欢的成就感和不断前行的动力。
最后, 说到帮助客户, 怎么帮?
仅仅发邮件问候是不够的, 我们公司提前购买了数量可观的3M和一次性口罩, 还有其他防护用品, 我们不卖, 只免费提供给我们的老客户, 新客户。
现在疫情期间, 送口罩和PPE才是真爱!
还有针对不同客户, 我们全力配全生产, 打样, 开发等需求.
同时根据中国情况和一些案例, 整理分享信息给客户, 希望能对客户的生意有所帮助.
希望大家把这次危机, 转化为新的机会.
COVID-19 is a crisis and also the chance,
Always think optimistic, but prepare for the worst.
发现自己的动态竟然上了@料神Sam 料神老师朋友圈,太开心了。